
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Make Time For Healing: The Flu

It's been quiet on here this week because I've been quiet this week. Five days ago I came down with the flu, and I am just now starting to feel a bit better. I am learning a few things - about influenza, about preparing for illness and giving in when things are out of your control.

I haven't been this sick in many years. I haven't had the actual flu, either, for over 15 years. (I might add that I have only had the flu vaccine twice in all of those years, and that was both times I was pregnant.)  Most of us would probably be surprised to learn that true influenza is not what most people refer to as "the flu" (or "stomach flu"). According to the CDC, people who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:
  • fever* and/or chills (*not everyone with the flu will have a fever)
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • runny or stuffy nose
  • muscle or body aches
  • headaches
  • fatigue
  • Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.
It's not uncommon for symptoms to last for at least 5-7 days, and the flu is highly contagious (before, during and after you have symptoms). So all around, it really sucks.

I wish I had seen it coming. I would have created a "sick kit" and will now in preparation for the next one of us to topple. Here's what I would put in it:
  1. Gatorade, Ginger Ale and bottled water (if you don't have decent tap water). Of course, water is the best but Gatorade helps replace electrolytes (important if you have diarrhea or vomiting), and ginger is a natural remedy for nausea.
  2. Crackers - Saltines, Oyster (soup) crackers, graham crackers or dry snack toast
  3. Popsicles - Of course, most would have to be kept in the freezer, but recently I found a great variety at Whole Foods and Central Market that come in a box (and you don't freeze them until you need them).  They are called Smooze All Natural Fruit Ice, and they are made from coconut milk and fruit purees.  Our favorite is the Coconut + Mango.  (They sell in the retail stores I mentioned for about $4-5 per box.)
  4. Cough drops - We're partial to Ricola (I love their cranberry drops) and Luden's Honey Drops.
  5. Top Ramen - Who doesn't crave the salty goodness of Ramen noodles when they're sick (or not)?
  6. Underwood White Meat Chicken Spread - I know.  I blame this one on my mother.  This was her go-to food item when we were ill, and damn it if I don't still turn to the little yellow can when I'm not feeling good.  It goes against so many of my food principles, but I feel like I'm allowed a pass when I'm down and out.  It fits the bill in so many ways - it's bland, salty and has barely any texture (strange for a chicken spread, huh?).  It starts out fairly innocently enough - white chicken meat, chicken broth, cooked chicken skin (what the...?), seasoning blend (trying to overlook the partially hydrogenated soybean oil in the seasoning blend, especially since "seasoning" and this spread don't seem to mix), dehydrated potatoes, salt, and then a bunch of stuff I can't pronounce.  It's the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in my foodie world.  It's one of those pairings that I can't explain - like how I only drink Bloody Mary Mix on airplanes.  Spread it on toast or crackers and down the hatch!
  7. Some may add Jell-O or pudding here.
Want to know if the flu has hit your area and if so, how rampant it is currently?  You can check your state's weekly activity on the CDC's website here.  For those of us in Washington, we've been bumped up from "local" to "regional" in terms of activity level within the past week.  (The highest status is "widespread", which is just above "regional".)  So it's on the move, people.

So please take it easy, get plenty of sleep, wash your hands every chance that you get (with soap) and I hope you can avoid this.  If you do get it, please let me know what gets you through it.


  1. Hey Teddi,
    sorry you have the flu. This one really hangs on. I am on day 15/16 now and due to deliver my second baby any day. My 3yr old has had it along with me (prob where I got it) and now my husband has it - and my mother (who came out to help with my 3yr old while I have baby) is in bed with it. It seems to be everywhere out here - especially if you have kids - I think since it lasts so long, people put their kids in school with it b/c who wants to keep a kid home for 3-4 weeks!?

    things that have helped me cope:

    Sinus Facial Steam: an herbal blend that I put in a bowl and pour boiling water over and breathe it in for 15/20min... since I can't take decongestion while pg

    Ricola - for the throat and cough

    Steam showers - with Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Tea Tree oil in the shower floor and a wash cloth over the drain to make a pool for steam...

    Lots of herbal tea - with Manuka honey

    Good luck! Hope it doesn't last too long for you :)

    Erin Coomer

    ps... it's okay to break down and cry at the total loss of control ;)

  2. Thanks, Erin! I haven't got to the breakdown yet but I feel like crying after reading how long it's supposed to last! I am so excited for you having Baby #2 and hope you get to enjoy every moment of it (so get better as fast as you can)! Where do you find the sinus facial steam blend? Or is it something you make yourself? Any remedies for the headache? So far Aleve and Motrin have not worked. Great to hear from you and congratulations!
