
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Make Time For The Stuff That Matters

I'm a wife, a mother of two, a professional photographer, a member of a cooperative preschool, a volunteer (for Soulumination), and an avid reader/cook/foodie/fountain of information.  I wish I had more time for so many things, but mostly just wish I had more time.
I'm creating this new blog as a place to share do-it-yourself project and party ideas, recipes, things to do and places to go with the kids, ways to take better care of yourself (because if you don't, you can't take care of anyone else), and hopefully to encourage you to stop and fully savor each and every moment.  I know that this blog is yet another thing I'm taking on, but I love sharing ways that I find to eat better, get healthier, save money, try new things and make things myself.
I imagine that I will be sharing a lot of recipes here.  I love good food.  I have an addiction to cookbooks, and know that I will never be able to get to all of the new recipes that I want to try (but that I can get to a quite a few).  More than ever, though, I have an appreciation for fresh, local and healthy ingredients.  I am currently heavier than I have ever been in my life, and have already started on my journey to lose weight and get fit.  (I have lost 10 lbs in my first two weeks.)  If any of you are on a similar journey, I hope a few of my tips will help you as well.  Mostly, I want to change the way that my family eats and the way that so many families in the United States eat.  We know that there's an epidemic of obesity in this country, but I don't know if most of us know how to change that.  I hope I can address that here as well.
So please follow this blog, drop a line and let me know if you find it useful.  Share your own tips.  Most importantly, make time to do what matters most to you and savor each and every minute of it.

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